Be Careful What You’re Eating! FDA Recalls and New Research on the Dangers of Sugars and Starches

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
Also, please go to God’s Health System and subscribe to receive the updates.
Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors. Do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.
The goal of this blog now is to build up your health and especially the immune system to withstand the coming pestilences that are now rampant in America and the world. God gave the knowledge to prepare for pestilences, so take advantage of this information. The focus is posting articles with great information that can immediately help your health and quality of life.
God bless you.
GMO and Contaminated Food
Chicken of the Sea Tuna Recalled Please check the FDA web site for recalls on tuna since there are manufacturers other than Chicken of the Sea which are involved. It appears that whatever label is on the can, it’s the processing plant that has a problem and they sell to a number of different brands.
“More than 100,000 cans of Chicken of the Sea tuna have been recalled because the tuna may have been undercooked and could cause life-threatening illness, Tri-Union Seafoods LLC says. The voluntary recall is for 2,745 cases (107,280 cans) of 5 oz. canned chunk light tuna in oil and 5 oz. canned chunk light tuna in water distributed across the United States. To date, no illnesses have been reported, according to the company. For a full list of the UPC codes and best-by date for products under recall, head to the news release from Tri-Union Seafoods. Consumers can return the recalled products to the place of purchase for a full refund. For more information, call the company at 1-866-600-2681 1-866-600-2681 FREE FREE. This recall comes a day after more than 31,500 cases of Bumble Bee canned chunk light tuna were recalled due to underprocessing.”
Contaminated Food/ Babylonian Health System/ Antibiotics
Food and Drugmakers Fight Antibiotic Regulation Even As Reports of Human Risks Grow This article discusses the increasing use of antibiotics in production of livestock for meat, eggs, milk, etc. and the role that is playing in our health. See also our previous post, How Safe Are Our Food and Water? Factory Farms and Fluoride for a complete discussion of factory farming and what that means both for livestock and for consumers.
“Attempts by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to decrease the widespread use of antibiotics in livestock production have seldom succeeded. An effort to prohibit cephalosporins like Cefzil and Keflex in 2008 was stopped by frenzied lobbyists from the egg, chicken, turkey, milk, pork and cattle industries, who claimed they could not “farm” without the drugs. Their trade groups, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Animal Health Institute (AHI) also put pressure on the FDA, which backed down.1
In 2014, the FDA again tried to regulate antibiotics, floating a new plan in which drug makers voluntarily agree to remove “growth promotion and feed efficiency” as approved uses on livestock antibiotic labels so the drugs would only be used in cases of sickness and under the care of veterinarians.2 While drug makers have until the end of 2016 to make the voluntary changes, so far results are very disappointing and use has actually gone up rather than down. Antibiotic Use in Livestock Is on the Rise Antibiotics, as they are traditionally used, allow meat producers to add weight on animals for less money because they make feed absorption more efficient. They also prevent disease outbreaks in crowded and extreme housing conditions. According to the FDA’s 2014 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals,3 domestic sales and distribution of cephalosporins for food-producing animals increased by 57 percent between 2009 through 2014.”
Health and Nutrition
Move over cigarettes! Excessive sugar and starch are also major causes of lung cancer
“New research indicates that smoking isn’t the only high-risk activity when it comes to developing lung cancer. It would seem that a diet high in sugar and starches could be a major cause as well, NBC News reports, even for non-smokers. Researchers have discovered that people who remember eating more foods containing a higher glycemic index are also more likely to develop lung cancer. They note that glycemic index is a term that is very familiar to diabetics; it is ascribed to foods that raise blood sugar and stimulate the production of insulin, like bagels, some fruits, including melon and pineapple, and white rice. NBC News reported that the aforementioned research is not the first that links the glycemic index with an increased risk of cancer. However, it is rare that the index is linked to cancer of the lungs, since that health condition is generally attributed to smoking… “People who ate the most foods with a high glycemic index were about 50 percent more likely to be in the lung cancer group than people who reported they ate the fewest high-glycemic foods, the team reported in the journal Cancer Epidemiology and Biomarkers.”
Immune System
Beyond Yogurt: Six Healthy Foods Loaded With Probiotics
“We tend to think that the freshest foods are best. But now research has found that some of the most beneficial foods aren’t farm-to-table items but are actually fermented products loaded with probiotics. Yogurt may be the best known of such foods, but many others — including pickles, miso, and sauerkraut — also provide living cultures that keep our digestive systems healthy and our immune systems strong. Since the gut is the largest part of our immune system, it pays to eat healing foods and shun sugars and refined carbohydrates that cause damage.
“Scientists have found that trillions of microbacterial cells live in our intestinal flora,” Jeff Cox, author of “The Essential Book of Fermentation” tells Newsmax Health. “They aren’t just passive hitchhikers who’ve found a warm place to live. They are intimately connected to our immune system. They are connected to our brain and guide our moods. They take an active part in digesting our food, reducing it to nutrients that can be absorbed through the intestinal walls.”
Cox explains that maintaining a healthy gut is necessary for life, much as microbes are necessary for soil to become a living organism that feeds the plants that grow in it.“What makes a healthy intestinal flora or soil microbial community? The answer is actively decaying organic matter, the food we eat and the compost we put in the soil,” he says. “Fermented foods with active cultures of bacteria and yeast seed our gut with the very microbes we need for our intestinal flora to be functionally optimal.”
Olive Oil
I Took A Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in The Morning (See What Unbelievable Things Happen) Extra virgin olive oil has many benefits, as this article relates. It’s good for the heart, helps to prevent cancer, treats constipation, indigestion, fights inflammation and arthritis, is good for the skin and hair and promotes weight loss.
“What we eat should be our medicine, as cures for the health problems we’re having, and should be beneficial to our body. Olive oil is one of them, which works amazingly to benefit the body both outside and inside. Once I started to take a tablespoon of it in the morning to try repairing my dry skin, and they started to disappear just inside a few days. Actually it works as a natural emollient, that has ability to help moisturize the dry skin and restore the natural youthful skin. So if the olive oil was repairing my skin problem, what was it doing on the inside? First of all, for getting the best results, pick extra virgin olive oil, this is the best type as it goes through very little processing without any heating or other chemical treatments. So it keeps the most antioxidant activity.Consume a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in the morning will also help you treat many other health issues…”
Cancer News
Mango Extract Shows Promise Against Cancer
“Add mangoes to growing list of fruits that contain compounds that hold great potential as antioxidant and anti-cancer agents.New research out of Texas A&M University has found mangoes are packed with polyphenolic compounds — including gallic acid and gallotannins, which have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties — as well as vitamin C and beta carotene. In a study published in the journal of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, the Texas scientists tracked 11 healthy volunteers between the ages of 21 and 38 years old who consumed 400 grams of mango-pulp every day for 10 days. “The results of this research show that mango has the potential to enhance the diet as a source of gallic acid and gallotannins which may possess anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties,” said Dr. Mertens-Talcott.”
Pet Health
Are Easter lilies toxic to cats? Because Easter soon will be here, and the traditional flower associated with that holiday is white Easter lilies, this video is crucial for anyone who has cats. Keep these plants (and lilies of any type) out of your home since cats love to chew on the greens from almost any plant. And in the case of lilies, even the pollen can induce illness and harm cats.
MSM: Does Your Dog Need It? MSM has been reported to help with chronic pain, as a synergist (that is, a facilitator in making vitamins more available to cells), as an antioxidant, in detoxification, in neurological diseases, allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, and in ridding a dog’s body of parasites like roundworm. It’s a true miracle substance you should look into if you’re a dog owner!
“MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane is an organic sulfur containing compound that is well known for its joint health benefits. MSM’s value as a dietary supplement began mostly from work led by Stanley W Jacob MD, Professor of Surgery at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland. Dr Jacob studied MSM’s therapeutic benefits in more than 15,000 patients and was the senior author of The Miracle of MSM and MSM: The Definitive Guide. In this book, Jacob reveals how MSM can significantly decrease the discomfort associated with arthritis, back pain, headaches, athletic injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome and a myriad of autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma, lupus and fibromyalgia.
MSM has been so effective in helping patients with these problems since its introduction into the natural products marketplace that it has almost surpassed glucosamine and chondroitin as an analgesic dietary supplement, as well as for allergy relief and as an anti-inflammatory agent… Most commercially produced MSM isn’t from a natural substance made from phytoplankton; it’s the product of chemical industries and manufactured from petroleum waste and methane gas. If MSM is not manufactured properly, or is produced in a facility that makes multiple products with improper sanitation procedures, contamination is likely. There may also be a chance that impurities (such as heavy metals or chlorinated hydrocarbons) from the water used in the synthesis and crystallization process will remain in the final product.
The therapeutic dosage for dogs is about 50 to 100 mg MSM per 10 pounds of body weight. Even dogs fed a raw, whole food diet might not be getting enough of this supplement, thanks to the industrialization of farming… Unlike most other supplements, MSM can be manufactured in the US, so look for US made sources. If you prefer to rely on food sources of MSM, make sure your dog’s diet is raw and organic to keep as much of the naturally occurring MSM intact. Smaller amounts of naturally occurring MSM would be needed, so it might be possible for your dog to get enough MSM from diet alone.”
Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.