Study Reveals the Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
Also, please go to God’s Health System and subscribe to receive the updates.
Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors (Babylonians). Please do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.
The goal of this blog now is to build up your health and especially the immune system to withstand the coming pestilences that are now rampant in America and the world. God gave the knowledge to prepare for pestilences, so take advantage of this information. The focus is posting articles with great information that can immediately help your health and quality of life.
God bless you.
GMO and Contaminated Food
Study Reveals the Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
“In 2012, researchers at Caen University in France studied the effects of eating genetically modified food treated with Monsanto’s Roundup. The animal subjects in the study suffered severe liver damage, kidney malfunction, tumors and hormonal disturbances. These mice had been exposed to Roundup at levels far below the European standard levels.
When the scientists published the study, however, there was significant backlash from both academia and government sources. The study’s author writes:
Paul Christou demanded that our paper be retracted and insulted us personally. Christou is not only the editor-in-chief of Transgenic Research, the journal in which he published his article, but is also linked to Monsanto…
A number of other critics of the study were plant biologists who, like Christou, hold patents on genetically-modified organisms. Some of these were employees of Monsanto. Other critics focused on the economic disruption that might ensue if the study were to be taken seriously. Richard E. Goodman, assistant editor of the journal in which the study appeared, Food and Chemical Toxicity, spoke out against the research, but seemingly without concern for human health…
The researchers say a number of members of parliament attempted to block the study. Monsanto exercises influence at the government level in a number of countries. In the United States, former executives of Monsanto are employed in the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Food and Drug Administration.
Americans have expressed concern about the GMO controversy, and there has been an outcry for labeling of genetically-modified food. However, President Obama signed a bill this summer [the Dark Act] that exempts most GMO food from labeling, and provides for somewhat cryptic labels on the foods that do have a warning. Consumer advocates are encouraging people to buy locally-grown food from farmers who are raising healthy, non-GMO produce.”
10 IRREFUTABLE evidence that GMO can harm you! This is an excellent article that goes into all aspects of the GMO food crisis. It’s long, but it has headings so you can read the parts that interest you most. While we don’t agree with their take on global warming as a man-made phenomenon, everything else is important to know and right 0n point – this information could save your life.
“In the last few decades one of the crisis that our planet has been facing is modern agricultural. Extensive farming, use of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified foods or crops and invention of hormones and antibiotic that are fed to our livestock have drastically changed everything.
Only 3% of US farm lands are planted with fruits and vegetables while 50% of farms are used for planting soy and corn. Even farmers treat what they plant as a commodity rather than food. With the anti-GMO labeling policies in America, there is no way that you would know, weather or not, what you buy in grocery stores are genetically modified. Even if you only buy organic foods, how could you know that the original seeds weren’t genetically modified?
In the last three decades, industrialized agriculture, biotechnology and extensive use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers have resulted in a nutrient-deficient soil, mineral & nutritional deficiencies in soil, weak immune system in human beings and animals, new diseases, viruses & global warming.”
How to Identify G.M.O Produce at the Grocery Store Make an informed food choice by learning how to identify G.M.O. Produce at your local grocery.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D supplementation may act as an adjunct therapy for asthma treatment
“A recent Cochrane Review of 9 clinical trials found that individuals who supplemented with vitamin D in addition to their standard asthma medication experienced a 3% decreased risk of severe asthma attacks requiring hospitalization. Additionally, those who supplemented with vitamin D experienced a reduced rate of asthma attacks requiring treatment with steroid medication.
Professor Adrian Martineau, the lead researcher of the review, stated:
“We found that taking a vitamin D supplement in addition to standard asthma treatment significantly reduced the risk of severe asthma attached, without causing side effects.”
How do antidepressants trigger fear and anxiety?
Scientists have mapped out a serotonin-driven anxiety circuit that may explain ‘anxiety’ side effect of antidepressants. More than 100 million people worldwide take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Prozac and Zoloft, to treat depression, anxiety and related conditions…
The new study, published in Nature, counters the popular view of serotonin as a neurotransmitter that promotes only good feelings. SSRIs, which are taken by about one in 10 people in the United States and about one in four women in their 40s and 50s, are thought to improve mood by boosting serotonin activity in the brain. There are brain circuits through which serotonin does seem to improve mood, and some studies have linked depression to abnormally low levels of serotonin. But the short-lived promotion of anxiety in many patients on SSRIs — even suicidal thinking, particularly in younger people — has long hinted that serotonin can have negative effects on mood, depending on the precise brain circuit where it acts.”
Why prolonged sitting may increase risk of death
“Prolonged sitting, such as watching a lot of television every day, may increase your risk of dying from a blood clot in the lung, according to a new open-access research letter published July 26 in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation.
A lung blood clot (pulmonary embolism) usually begins as a clot in the leg or pelvis as a result of inactivity and slowed blood flow (deep vein thrombosis). If the clot breaks free, it can travel to a lung and become lodged in a small blood vessel, where it is especially dangerous…
Authors noted that the risk is likely greater than the findings suggest. Deaths from pulmonary embolism are believed to be underreported because diagnosis is difficult. The most common symptoms of pulmonary embolism — chest pain and shortness of breath — are the same as other life-threatening conditions, and diagnosis requires imaging that many hospitals are not equipped to provide.
Other risks factors studied were obesity (the strongest link after hours sitting), diabetes, cigarette smoking, and hypertension. The researchers said the findings may be particularly relevant to Americans, since U.S. adults watch more television — especially “binge watching” — than Japanese adults (according to another study).
The researchers advised a few simple steps to avoid a pulmonary embolism: “After an hour or so, stand up, stretch, walk around, or while you’re watching TV, tense and relax your leg muscles for 5 minutes (similar to that given to travelers on long plane flights), keep hydrated, and shed pounds if overweight.
An hour of moderate exercise a day enough to counter health risks from prolonged sitting…
But they found that 60 to 75 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day were sufficient to eliminate the increased risk of early death associated with sitting for over eight hours per day, based on an analysis of 16 studies, which included data from more than one million men and women.** (Three out of four people in the study failed to reach this level of daily activity, though.)
The greatest risk of early death was for those individuals who were physically inactive. They were between 28% and 59% more likely to die early compared with those who were in the most active quartile — a risk similar to that associated with smoking and obesity. In other words, lack of physical activity is a greater health risk than prolonged sitting.”
Health and Nutrition/ Heart Health
Citrus Fruits Help Prevent Obesity-Related Heart Disease, Diabetes
“Citrus fruits have been known for centuries to be good for you. In the 19th century, English sailors got the name “limeys” from the lemon or lime juice added to their daily rum rations during long voyages to prevent scurvy caused by a lack of vitamin C.
Citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and limes, contain many vitamins and other substances, in addition to vitamin C, that contribute to health. Now a group of researchers have found that they also help prevent the harmful effects of a high-fat, Western-style diet.
“Our results indicate that in the future we can use citrus flavanones, a class of antioxidants, to prevent or delay chronic diseases caused by obesity in humans,” says Paula S. Ferreira, a graduate student with the research team at São Paulo State University in Brazil.
Citrus fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants, a class of which is a type of flavonoid called flavanones. Previous lab and animal studies linked citrus flavanones to lowering oxidative stress, which experts believe causes inflammation that leads to disease.”
The Great Grape: Top Superfood for Body and Brain
“Evidence keeps mounting that grapes and their delicious derivatives are linked to a gigantic cluster of important and sometimes surprising health benefits — for body and mind alike. The latest surprising finding: A new study conducted by the University of Leeds shows for the first time that grapes can even improve driving skills…
Previous research has shown that Concord grape juice can boost memory and cognition in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
“This is the first time that the effects of Concord grape juice consumption were observed in younger, otherwise healthy adults,” Dye tells Newsmax Health. “It suggests a beneficial effect in those with moderate stress levels.”
So how does grape juice benefit the brain? Grapes, juice, and wine all contain high amounts of polyphenol flavonoids such as resveratrol, which are antioxidant-rich compounds that give red and purple grapes their distinctive color. Such compounds improve blood flow to all parts of the body, including the brain, and include nutrients that promote brain function.
Red wine contains even higher concentrations of brain-friendly polyphenol flavonoids. Data collected from 19 countries shows that moderate red wine consumption significantly lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
Researchers theorize that the resveratrol in red wine helps prevent blood platelets from sticking together, which maintains open and flexible blood vessels and ensures good blood flow to the brain.
Moderate red wine consumption is defined as no more than one five-ounce glass per day for women and no more than two five-ounce glasses per day for men. Grape products, especially red wine, have also long been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions, and an increased likelihood of a long life.”
Cancer News
Study Confirms ‘Chemo Brain’ is Real
“Breast cancer survivors often complain of thinking and memory problems that occur during and after undergoing chemotherapy. The effects are called chemo brain or chemo fog, and they are real, say researchers from the University of Illinois, who found long-lasting cognitive impairments in mice given chemotherapy.
“Cancer survival rates have increased substantially and continue to improve due to both earlier detection and better medical treatments,” said the study’s lead author Catarina Rendeiro, a postdoctoral scholar at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. But chemo brain is a significant complaint in survivors, and many questioned whether the effects lasted for only a short length of time or were long-lasting.
First, the study needed to confirm that chemo brain was real. The researchers used female mice bred to mimic post-menopausal women, the group most affected by breast cancer. They found that mice which had received chemotherapy performed tasks more slowly and were slower to learn new tasks when compared with a control group.”
Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This is why Jesus Christ said we need the Spirit of God who gives us eternal life with Him. We need to be “born again” with a new spirit that is not subject to sin and death.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Right now, through repentance of the spiritual disease called sin, you can come to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, for healing and assurance of eternal life.
Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
For those who love the Lord Jesus and are looking for His coming, the following is their future:
Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.