Vitamin D3 vs Vitamin D2: Are You Getting the Right One?

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
Also, please go to God’s Health System and subscribe to receive the updates.
Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors. Do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.”
This post originally was published on July 1, 2014 but the information is still very relevant. In fact, it’s so important that we thought it was worth running again.
There are an increasing number of studies touting the effectiveness of Vitamin D for combating illnesses of many different types. After seeing a number of such articles, anyone concerned about his health will add that to the supplements he’s taking because it has such tremendous benefits for comparatively little cost. But is it enough to just go to the store and purchase vitamin D, or is there more we need to know to obtain those health benefits? Unfortunately, there is more to it than just buying some vitamin D capsules, and if we’re not aware of that, we’re most likely wasting our time and our money – and doing little to improve our health.
There are two types of vitamin D, D2 and D3. Only D3 is readily absorbed and useful in the human body, Yet most of the products fortified with vitamin D contain D2. Milk and orange juice come to mind immediately, and if we think we’re getting enough because we spend time in the sun regularly and buy fortified drinks, then we’re sadly mistaken. In fact, studies show that most American adults are woefully deficient in Vitamin D, even if they supplement it because most of the vitamin D sold over the counter is D2, which is plant-based and made from fungus.
In contrast, D3 comes from two sources, lanolin or fish oil. The articles below explain why D3 is what we need to take to get all of those health benefits we’re reading about. They also discuss how each type is made, what it does or doesn’t do, and how much we really should be taking. The government recommendations are so woefully low that they’d be almost laughable were the consequences not so serious. But it would be almost as effective to drink water as to take the RDA (recommended daily allowance) set by them. So read through the articles below and make sure that next time you purchase vitamin D, you get one that is made from lanolin so that it contains D3. They are more expensive, and there are not a lot of varieties on the market, but they are there and if you shop carefully, you’ll find them. You’re not saving much if you buy the cheaper D2 vitamins but don’t get any benefits from them.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 vs Vitamin D2: Are You Getting the Right One?
“Vitamin D3, Vitamin D2. They’re the same thing right? Well, no. Vitamin D [a]bsorption is very much affected by which type of Vitamin D that you are taking. Vitamin D comes in two different formulations. Vitamin D2, also called ergocalciferol; and Vitamin D 3, also called cholecalciferol.
Vitamin D2 was the first synthetic form of Vitamin D and is the form of vitamin d in all Vegan Vitamin D. It was used, and still is in many cases, to fortify foods, make some Vitamin D supplements and is the basis for ALL Prescription Vitamin D. Most over the counter Vitamin D supplements and ALL prescription Vitamin D supplements contain Vitamin D2.
But it is a far inferior form of Vitamin D that does not get absorbed into the body well. This is a phenomenon called bioavailability- or in this case simply Vitamin D Absorption. Many vitamins are not necessarily bioavailable, therefore taking vitamins does not mean that you actually ABSORB the vitamin.
If it were simply an issue of worse absorption, then you could simply take more to do the same job. But unfortunately, vitamin D 2 just doesn’t DO the job that vitamin D is Supposed to do.”
Vitamin D Supplements: Does the Source Matter?
“Vitamin D3 is derived from two places, either fish oil or sheep’s lanolin. Lanolin is a waxy substance that is secreted by glands found in a sheep’s skin. In order to remove the lanolin from wool, the wool is rolled or squeezed, pushing out a yellowish waxy substance. In order to make vitamin D3, the lanolin must be purified which results in…the same precursor of vitamin D found in our skin.
Vitamin D from fish oil comes from the skin of fatty fish such as salmon and tuna which naturally contain vitamin D. It may also be produced from cod liver oil, which is extremely high in vitamin D, containing 1360 IU per 1 tablespoon serving… Fish naturally store vitamin D in in their liver and fatty tissues. Fish do not make the vitamin themselves but actually get the vitamin from the plankton they eat. Certain fish oil may be very high in vitamin A, a fat soluble vitamin, making it important to read the label to avoid vitamin A toxicity.
The other danger in vitamin D from fish oil is its mercury content… Once in the water, bacteria transform mercury into soluble, toxic methylmercury, which fish absorb. When we eat fish high in methylmercury, or consume the vitamin D in fish oil derived from these fish, the toxin accumulates in the bloodstream… Nearly all fish contain trace amounts of methylmercury. Vitamin D derived from sheep lanolin contain no such mercury risk.”
“Lanolin, the oil found on sheepskin, is a concentrated source of 7-dehdrocholesterol. When it is irradiated using UVB lamps, it creates a chemical process nearly identical to that which takes place in human skin.
Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is frequently sold in a softgel form that enables faster absorption. Other manufacturers may sell D3 as a tablet or dry capsule. Concentrations range tremendously between products: each capsule may contain a dose of between 50 and 10,000 international units per serving.”
Taking Oral Vitamin D? Avoid Making This Serious Mistake The two different types of vitamin D are not interchangeable. It’s not that D2 is less potent; it’s that it’s very different from vitamin D3, and taking D2 could hurt you more than help you.
“Drisdol is a synthetic form of vitamin D2—made by irradiating fungus and plant matter—and is the form of vitamin D typically prescribed by doctors.
This is not the type produced by your body in response to sun or safe tanning bed exposure, which is vitamin D3.
Some 40 leading vitamin D experts from around the world currently agree that there’s no specific dosage level at which “magic” happens; rather the most important factor when it comes to vitamin D is your serum level (the level of vitamin D in your blood). So you really should be taking whatever dosage required to obtain a therapeutic level of vitamin D in your blood.
…it appears as though most adults need about 8,000 IU’s of vitamin D a day in order to raise their serum levels above 40 ng/ml.4 For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IU’s of vitamin D per pound of body weight.”
Low vitamin D levels during pregnancy may increase risk of severe preeclampsia
“Women who are deficient in vitamin D in the first 26 weeks of their pregnancy may be at risk of developing severe preeclampsia, a potentially life-threatening disorder diagnosed by an increase in blood pressure and protein in the urine, according to research.”
Higher Vitamin D Levels Associated With Better Cognition, Mood in Parkinson’s Disease Patients
“A new study exploring vitamin D levels in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) opens up the possibility of a new avenue of early intervention that may delay or prevent the onset of cognitive impairment and depression.”
Prescription Drugs
70 million Americans taking mind-altering drugs 02/09/14
“But by following the trail further, we arrive at a place far more shocking and consequential. We discover that not only has the traditional distinction between illegal “street drugs” and legal “therapeutic prescription drugs” become so blurred as to be almost nonexistent, but between America’s twin drug epidemics – one illegal, the other legal – well over 70 million Americans are using mind-altering drugs. And that number doesn’t include abusers of alcohol, which adds an additional 60 million Americans. So we’re really talking about 130 million strung-out Americans. How is this possible? “
Pineapple Tops List of Great Foods for Boosting Metabolism There are a number of foods that will boost your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. Pineapple is one of the best because it takes so
much energy to burn and it provides essential nutrients and enzymes, some of which aren’t available elsewhere. It also has very few calories and no fat. Although it does have natural sugar, if you eat it for breakfast the sugar will be burned off within hours, especially if you add exercise like a walk. But the raised metabolism can last throughout the day.
“Remember that your body’s digestive processes slow down when you don’t eat. This is just a way to keep your body nourished during times when you can’t get any food. If you train yourself that you will go long periods of time without eating your body will compensate by slowing down. On the other hand, you can eat metabolism boosting foods that can help you burn calories consistently throughout the day.”
GMO and Contaminated Food
“Not all saturated fats are nutritionally equal, and butter is no exception. Just like other forms of dairy, butter’s nutritional value depends on how the animals are raised. For example, the fatty acid composition of butterfat varies according to the animal’s diet. The very best-quality butter is raw (unpasteurized) from grass-pastured cows, preferably certified organic. The next best is pasteurized butter from grass-fed cows, followed by regular pasteurized butter common in supermarkets. Even the latter two are a healthier choice than margarines or spreads.
Beware of “Monsanto Butter,” meaning butter that comes from cows fed almost entirely genetically engineered grains. This, unfortunately, makes up the majority of butters you typically see on grocery store shelves.”
Most cows are fed conventional diets that consist mainly of GMOs, mostly corn and soy. These are lab created, genetically modified foods and grains. While there is plenty of evidence what GMOs do to those who consume them, there isn’t as much said about second hand consumption. That is, what happens when people eat meat or dairy from cows which have been raised on GMO foods. While there are less studies about this, there are no studies in which GMOs were not found to have significant effects, both on the primary consumer (the animal) and on the secondary consumer (the people who eat the animals or animal products).
Land O’Lakes is one of the best selling butters in the nation. But the company does not raise the cows they use on organic grain; instead they are fed a diet of “antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticide-loaded grain.” Aside from that, they also contributed almost $100,000 to the campaign to fight legislation that would require foods containing GMOs to be labeled for consumer information and protection. It’s apparent where they believe their interests lie, and it’s not with the health of consumers.
“Here is Food Babe’s handy butter buying guide”:
A Congressional hearing was held June 17th, 2014 on the subject of importing Chinese chicken, since the Obama administration previously gave approval for the trade when the USDA stated that processing in Chinese plants was equivalent to that in US plants. In the first stage, chicken raised in America, Canada and Chile will be shipped to China for processing, then returned to the US for sale in supermarkets. Any chicken processed in China, no matter what the country of origin will not be required to be labeled as coming from Chinese plants.
Dr. Engeljohn, of the US FSIS [Food Safety Inspection Service] said they are working with the Chinese to bring their plants up to US standards, but because the system used there is very different, it isn’t just a matter of making small improvements. But once the standards are certified as acceptable, China can begin sending its own poultry to the US for sale.
The information brought forth at the hearing certainly doesn’t inspire confidence in the agencies charged with protecting our food safety. According to this article,
“First, even if the slaughtering plants are ultimately approved by FSIS, there will be no on-site inspection to ensure ongoing compliance with our food safety standards. Second, chickens raised in China’s highly polluted environment could pose a potential health threat apart from the adequacy of China’s slaughtering practices.
Rep. Smith hammered on the theme of whether the Chinese government was providing trustworthy documentation to the USDA on their processing facilities and manufacturing processes. Smith pointed out China’s rampant corruption and its government’s penchant for “misinformation, lying and deceit.Finally, I was not reassured by Dr. Engeljohn’s statement that “Yes, we are confident that (China is) maintaining the (poultry processing facility) inspection system we designed to meet our requirements.” After learning that the USDA relied on documentation provided by China to determine equivalency and will continue to rely on Chinese documentation (or “evidence” as Dr. Engeljohn called it) to monitor compliance, I feel even more skeptical.”
A recent post was on contaminated pet treats originating in China, Pet Health: Contaminated Pet Food – Deadly Ingredients! This subject was addressed at the hearing also, and this serves as an update to that post:
”An outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in the United States might be linked to pet food produced in China. Shaun Kennedy acknowledged the possible link, although it’s still being investigated.
FDA has performed over 1,000 tests on suspect Chinese pet jerky treats. According to FDA’s Tracey Forfa, the tests so far have been inconclusive.
Rep. Smith, who co-chairs the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, grilled Forfa about whether the labeling of so-called “Made in the USA” pet products was accurate. Forfa could not assure that dog treats labeled “Made in the USA” did not contain ingredients from other countries, including China.”
Researchers have found that fruit flies fed Truvia or its main ingredient erythritol died within less than a week, according to a new study. Usually, fruit flies “live between 39 and 51 days”. They also tested other sweeteners and the other ingredients in Truvia, but none of them killed the flies like erythritol did. They also found that it was “dose-dependent”, meaning that the more of it they ate, the faster they died.
“Erythritol [is] made from yeast fed genetically modified corn derivatives
…Cargill [the manufacturer] was forced to settle a class action lawsuit last byear for labeling Truvia “natural” when it’s actually made from a fermentation process whereby yeast are fed GM corn maltodextrin.
Erythritol, the main component of the sweetener Truvia, has a new, unexpected application — it may be used as an insecticide.”
Because the FDA has declared it safe for humans to consume, biologists hope to develop it into a “friendly” pesticide. They then could claim that traces left on food are safe, unlike pesticides in general. But any product which raises doubts and does not have a track record and/or studies to verify its absolute safety should be carefully considered, whether it has FDA approval or not. After all, they also have declared GMOs to be safe for human consumption, despite a great deal of evidence to the contrary.
23 Ingenious Uses for White Vinegar White vinegar is another great natural product to use to keep you way from the chemicals. This is God’s way of cleaning and health.
“White vinegar has dozens of household applications, and the best part is that it’s green. It’s enjoying a new found popularity as many people try to avoid toxic or harsh cleaning chemicals around their pets and children, as well as save money by making their own cleansers. Not to mention that vinegar is cheap, it’s versatile, and it doesn’t irritate allergies like some fragranced cleansers. Chances are, whenever you run into a household funk, vinegar is your answer.”
What Are the Health Benefits of Oregano? I now use oregano as an antibiotic and love it, but take capsules as the liquid has too strong an odor.
I now use Vit D3, Vit C, zinc and oregano as my antibiotic and in combination this WORKS.
“Oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium. Oregano has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal effects, and may kill MRSA, listeria, and other pathogens. Oregano essential oil may be useful for respiratory ailments like colds and flu.”
Bacteria help explain why stress, fear trigger heart attacks

Bacteria stained with a fluorescent bacterial DNA probe show up as red biofilm microcolonies within the green tissues of a diseased carotid arterial wall.
“The axiom that stress, emotional shock, or overexertion may trigger heart attacks in vulnerable people may now be explainable, researchers say. Hormones released during these events appear to cause bacterial biofilms on arterial walls to disperse, allowing plaque deposits to rupture into the bloodstream, according to research.”
Bacteria linked to stress-induced heart attacks
“Stress can trigger heart attacks in people with a lot of plaque in their arteries. But bacteria may be the real culprit in blocking blood flow.
Hormones such as norepinephrine may free bacteria from biofilms in plaque build-ups. In their escape, the bacteria may release enzymes that have the potential to damage surrounding tissues and make it easier for plaque globs to rupture, researchers suggest June 10 in mBio. Plaque ruptures can cause clotting, which blocks blood flow to the heart.
The early work suggests that managing bacteria may be as important as managing cholesterol in warding off heart attacks. But scientists will need to test whether the bacteria create their potentially dangerous enzymes in actual arteries, not just cultures, to be sure.”
Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.