Have You Been Eating Cancer?

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
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Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors. Do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.
This is a re-post of a blog from 2014 but the information still is relevant, so it’s time we revisited it – please read all of the articles below, especially about rice since it’s a common ingredient in the average diet and it can be deadly if it comes from the Southern US.
The health of consumers in the United States is being systematically destroyed through contaminated and genetically modified foods. Consumption of these foods not only deprives the body of nutrients because they are lacking in the foods themselves, but it also is killing off essential bacteria in the gut and altering the DNA of those eating these foods. In addition, it is aiding the rise of superbugs as they become resistant through over-exposure to foods sprayed with chemicals and laced with pesticide genes. Today humans and animals are taking in high amounts of Monsanto round-up, not only because the food is sprayed but through actual genetic changes which incorporate this substance within the crops themselves.
Pesticides are some of the deadliest substances known. Not only can they directly poison living beings if consumed, they also kill essential bacteria and are responsible for numerous types of cancer. Yet our diets (and those of the animals we keep as pets, as well as the animals that end up in our meat department) are subject to increasing amounts of these substances. It’s not surprising that there is a cancer epidemic in the nation, and that many other chronic diseases are proliferating as well. All of us, humans and animals alike, are being poisoned by the foods that we eat.
Organic food is more costly and often more difficult to find. Because of that many people argue that they can’t afford to purchase it. But when we look at the health costs associated with eating non-organics, that argument falls apart. Given the cost in medical care both for us and for our pets, can we afford not to purchase organic? In the long run, what is a drastically shortened life which is troubled by frequent illness, worth? With epidemics becoming frequent and new reports about the hazards of traditional medical treatments like vaccines becoming headline news, the only way to protect yourself is through a strong immune system. And that requires fresh, uncontaminated and unmodified foods.
GMO and Contaminated Food
Five ways Big Pharma and Biotech are engineering disease The War on Drugs, the War on Cancer and the War on Terror are three campaigns launched by government and industry in this nation. But none of the three are really what they seem, and all have hidden agendas designed to profit those entities behind them. For the most part, what they’re really about is profit and money. But there is another “war” taking place that is more effective and more covert than any of these and that is the war on bugs. It also may be the most deadly for average Americans.
“Scientists in labs are concocting new strains of disease by combining genes from insects, bacteria, humans, animals and infectious diseases and creating new strains that have no cure, like Ebola, Swine flu and influenza. Have you heard of enterovirus D68? It spreads mainly among the vaccinated children! Read more on this here and here.
There is a war going on, between GMO food and organic food. There is relatively NO GRAY AREA in between anymore. Most conventional food is doused with so much pesticide in order to fight back superbugs and superweeds that anyone consuming it is most likely instigating cell mutation and, therefore, some form of cancer in their bodies. No surgery, medication, chemotherapy or radiation in the world can prevent or cure this type of blood cancer that develops from the constant consumption of toxic herbicide and insecticide, like RoundUp and atrazine. Have you been “eating cancer”?
How will your body defend itself against superbugs, those pathogens that come from hospitals that aren’t clean, where sick people spread germs that are immune to multiple antibiotics? Will you allow a doctor, surgeon and team of oncologists to tell you that there’s no cure for cancer, only prolonged misery? If you go to the hospital to get a broken bone reset or maybe your knee operated on, you may want to find out what whole, organic foods, herbs and tinctures build you the greatest immunity, from the gut to the heart to the brain, because visiting a hospital or a crowded doctor’s office might just be the entrance to your early grave. Superbugs are no joke. They are real in 2014, and your body, the machine, needs a strong defense arsenal!”
Government Requires Pasteurization of All Almonds, Even Organic & Raw The FDA is now requiring that all almonds shipped in North America be pasteurized, even organic and raw almonds. The FDA has approved propylene oxide and steam treatment for pasteurization. Although steam meets the standards of the USDA Organic Program, heat destroys the nutritional value of the nuts.
This pasteurization requirement applies not only to whole nuts but to all products containing them, including oils and butters, no matter how they’ve been processed. A serving of 23 almonds has as many flavonoid antioxidants as one serving of cooked broccoli. Pasteurization is ostensibly “to ensure consumers are provided with safe, wholesome food products, without comprising the almond qualities.” This clearly is untrue.
“Almonds that have been pasteurized are heated to the point where their life force is almost entirely dissipated. Recent scientific studies show that heating almonds creates potentially harmful levels of acrylamide, a threatening byproduct of the amino acid asparagine. Acrylamide is a chemical known to cause cancer, or reproductive toxicity (such as birth defects and other reproductive harm).
Not in any retailer in the United States… all California almonds labeled “raw” must be steam-pasteurized or chemically treated with propylene oxide. However, this does not apply to imported almonds.
Spain is the second largest almond producer in the world and also offers some of the best almonds in the world which are unpasteurized. Many raw food companies started selling unpasteurized imported almonds from countries like Spain and Italy to the benefit of consumers.”
High Levels Of Arsenic Found In Some Rice; California Rice Safe Researchers are advising that pregnant women completely remove rice from their diets and that children be limited to one quarter cup of rice weekly. Other adults should limit their intake to no more than one half cup per week because of toxic arsenic levels found in almost all brands.
“Consumer Reports found significant levels of arsenic in apple juice earlier this year, and now, the magazine has a new study, showing many brands of rice also contain the toxin.
The arsenic enters into the rice when it is grown …the rice with the highest levels of arsenic is from Texas and Louisiana, and along the Gulf coast where fields were used to grow cotton a century ago.
“When there was cotton there they had to treat the cotton with arsenic pesticides to control the bowl weevil,” he said. “Now a century later, that arsenic is still in the soil, the rice is very effective at pulling it out of the soil and it concentrates in the rice.”
Arsenic causes lung, skin and bladder cancer, Landrigan said. He added that arsenic is also very harmful to babies’ brain development. If a baby is exposed to arsenic in the womb because the mother is eating arsenic or if a baby ingests arsenic in the first months of life in cereal, rice milk or other food, the arsenic could interfere with brain development, reduce the child’s intelligence, and cause behavioral problems.
Stay with California rice, stay with Asian rice or when in doubt go with barley, go with oatmeal,” he said. “The smart thing to do is to be concerned and not do it. … Just avoid the rice.”
He added brown rice often contains more arsenic than white rice because it contains the plant’s shells.”
See also: Rice Linked to Arsenic Poisoning
Toxic, cancer-causing arsenic found in rice products — even organic rice milk 10/16/14
“Consumer Reports has released a new report about arsenic levels in rice and rice products, the findings of which may come as a surprise to many. It turns out that virtually every rice product on the market today contains detectable levels of toxic arsenic, including many “all-natural” and organic rice products.
After conducting tests on more than 200 samples of rice products, which included dry rice, infant cereals, hot cereals, ready-to-eat cereals, rice cakes and crackers, rice flour, rice drinks, rice syrup, and rice vinegar, Consumer Reports investigators found that every single sample had detectable levels of both organic and inorganic arsenic, the latter of which has been shown to cause cancer. In most cases, the worst offenders were rice products made from rice grown in Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas.
Brown rice was typically found to have higher arsenic levels than white rice, and people who eat rice were determined to have arsenic levels that were about 44 percent higher compared to people who do not eat rice.
Sadly, some of the worst arsenic offenders in the Consumer Reports investigation include Whole Foods 365 Everyday Value Long Grain Brown Rice, Barbara’s Brown Rice Crisps, Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice Pasta Fusilli, and DeBoles Rice Spirals.
Other surprising rice products on the arsenic list include several varieties of Lundberg Family Farms brand rice, Earth’s Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Infant Cereal, several varieties of Bob’s Red Mill rice products, Arrowhead Mills Organic Sweetened Rice Flakes, and Organic Rice Dream Classic Original Rice Drink, as well as many of the usual suspects in the conventional and mainstream rice market.
Unlike with water, arsenic levels in food are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which claims there is inadequate science proving a need for arsenic regulation. But the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has already declared that there is no “safe” level of exposure to inorganic arsenic,…
Health and Nutrition
Coffee Helps Combat Obesity: Study
“Coffee may do more than simply perk up your morning routine. Researchers at the University of Georgia have found a chemical compound in coffee may help prevent some of the damaging effects of obesity.
In new research published in the journal Pharmaceutical Research, UGA scientists determined that chlorogenic acid, or CGA, significantly reduced insulin resistance and accumulation of fat in the livers of mice who were fed a high-fat diet, Medical Xpress reports.
“Previous studies have shown that coffee consumption may lower the risk for chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,” said lead researcher Yongjie Ma.They found that CGA was not only effective in preventing weight gain, but it also helped maintain normal blood sugar levels and healthy liver composition.”
Family Meals Stave Off Obesity: Study
“Researchers from the University of Minnesota and Columbia University found that family meals may be protective against obesity because coming together for meals may provide “opportunities for emotional connections among family members, the food is more likely to be healthful, and adolescents may be exposed to parental modeling of healthful eating behaviors.”
The study… also found family meals tend to include more fruits, vegetables, calcium, and whole grains — often missing from meals eaten away from home, from fast-food restaurants, or consumed on the go. The findings are based on an analysis of information from a 10-year study that tracked the dining habits and weight of 2,287 adolescents.
They showed that 51 percent of the participants were overweight and 22 percent were obese. Among those who reported that they never ate family meals together, 60 percent were overweight and 29 percent were obese. But those who reported having even one or two family meals a week during adolescence were markedly less likely to be overweight or obese than those who said they never had family meals during adolescence.”
Weightlifting Enhances Memory: Study
“Lifting weights not only pumps up your muscles, but also gives your memory a boost. That’s the upshot of new research out of Georgia Institute of Technology that found an intense body-building workout — as little as 20 minutes — can enhance long-term memory by about 10 percent.
The study…involved a group of volunteers who were asked to lift weights just once two days before researchers tested their memories of events and photos they were asked to study before working out.
After exercising, the participants were able to recall 60 percent of the photos and events, while a similar group of individuals who did not work out could recall only 50 percent.”
Obesity Not Only Cause of Type 2 Diabetes: Researchers
“Although the type 2 diabetes epidemic is commonly linked to being overweight or obese, excess weight isn’t the only factor driving the trend… [A]t least three new studies have reported on other factors that may underlie a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. These factors include genetic mutations, a lesser-known hormone called amylin, as well as disturbances in the body’s natural clock.
Genes definitely play a role…. Family history and ethnicity also play a role. A sedentary lifestyle is also associated with the development of type 2 diabetes.
[D]isruptions in the body’s internal clock may be a factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. The researchers noted that today’s 24/7 lifestyles constantly disrupt the body’s natural sleep/wake cycles. Factors such as nocturnal lighting, shift work and unusual timing of food can throw the body’s clock off.
Whatever the additional causes might be, right now, weight is one of the few modifiable factors that can help manage type 2 diabetes. “If people lose just 5 to 10 percent of their body weight, they can make a difference in their diabetes. Exercise definitely plays a role, too….”
Listening to Jazz After Surgery Speeds Recovery: Study Researchers at Penn State studying the effects of noise cancellation headphones and jazz have found that both “treatments” lower heart rates and reduce anxiety and pain in post-operative patients. Although the jazz worked faster in reducing heart rate and anxiety, the noise cancellation headphones worked significantly faster in easing pain.
The very best way to heal like this is by listening to old-time Godly music. The old hymns of the faith and not most of the modern Christian music. There is great power in Godly music for both the body and mind.
“The thought of having a surgical procedure — in addition to the fears associated with anesthesia — creates emotional stress and anxiety for many patients…. Physician anesthesiologists provide patients with pain relief medication right after surgery. But some of these medications can cause significant side effects.”
“The goal is to find out how we can incorporate this into our care,” says Dr. Austin. “We need to determine what kind of music works best, when we should play it and when silence is best. But it’s clear that music as well as silence are cost effective, non-invasive and may increase patient satisfaction.
Pet Health
Do Animals Feel Love? More Evidence that Cats and Dogs Feel Like We Do Researchers first found that the brain chemical oxytocin is released when new mothers and their babies interact. The level of oxytocin corresponds to the amount of feeling present, and it can make us feel concern even for strangers. It also is what makes us care for our pets, to the point that we will spend thousands of dollars on a sick pet rather than merely euthanize it and get another. It is the chemical responsible for bonding,
Pet owners who are attached to their animals will tell you that their pets love them just as much, but is that true? Researchers recently began to investigate this claim, with some interesting results. Not only do our animals have loving feelings toward their owners, they also have those feelings toward one another. So when we believe our pet is grieving over the loss of a friend, we are reading their feelings accurately. Just as we were created with hormones to ensure we love both one another and our pets, so too our pets have been created the same way.
“Zak found a small domestic terrier and a goat who regularly played with each other and seemed to have a strong friendship. After fifteen minutes of play — during which the friends chased, played, and jumped with one another — the dog showed a 48 percent increase in oxytocin. This rise indicated that the dog truly did view the goat as a friend. The goat, on the other hand, had a 210 percent increase in oxytocin. A similar rise in humans would indicate intense feelings of love.
He states, “This experiment led me to undertake experiments on animal-human relations to try to understand how animals make us care so much about them.” A recent article showcased other benefits of having pets, such as staving off depression, but this study showcases the direct effect oxytocin has on the animal-human relationship and the loving, positive bond that is created.
So, do animals feel love? You bet! And we love our pets unconditionally, too.“
Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.