The Connection Between High Blood Pressure, Sugar and Wheat

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
Also, please go to God’s Health System and subscribe to receive the updates.
Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors (Babylonians). Please do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.
The goal of this blog now is to build up your health and especially the immune system to withstand the coming pestilences that are now rampant in America and the world. God gave the knowledge to prepare for pestilences, so take advantage of this information. The focus is posting articles with great information that can immediately help your health and quality of life.
God bless you.
Health and Nutrition
Eliminate Fructose and Watch How This Lowers Your Blood Pressure
“Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a very serious health concern that can lead to heart disease and increased risk for stroke. The good news is, by optimizing your dietary intake, exercising, and effectively managing your stress, the odds of lowering your blood pressure are greatly in your favor…
Are you on a high grain, low fat regimen? If so, I have bad news for you, because this nutritional combination is a prescription for hypertension and can absolutely devastate your health.
Groundbreaking research published in 1998 in the journal Diabetes reported that nearly two-thirds of the test subjects who were insulin resistant (IR) also had high blood pressure, and insulin resistance is directly attributable to a high sugar, high grain diet, especially if accompanied by inadequate exercise. So, chances are that if you have hypertension, you also have poorly controlled blood sugar levels, because these two problems often go hand in hand.
As your insulin level elevates, so does your blood pressure.”
How You Can Normalize Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs This is a great article which explains the difference between diastolic and systolic readings, what each means and what are normal levels. It also goes into the causes of high blood pressure and reveals how you can lower your blood pressure through lifestyle modification (especially diet).
“If you are not already one in three U.S. adults with high blood pressure, the odds are that without intervention, you will be, at some point in your life. In fact, the risk of becoming hypertensive is greater than 90 percent for individuals in developed countries, according to an editorial in the Lancet.
The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension. Many confuse this and believe this is high blood pressure related to being tense or anxious. While this can certainly cause high blood pressure in some, anxiety is a relatively minor cause of this condition…
The great news is that over 85 percent of those who have hypertension can normalize their blood pressure through lifestyle modifications. If you have hypertension or hope to avoid it, there are simple steps you can take to balance your blood pressure, glucose, leptin, and insulin levels — all at the same time — without harmful and/or ineffective medications…
It should come as no surprise to learn that the majority of conventional physicians apply a cookbook model to treating hypertension, rather than treating the individual patient and addressing the underlying causes, which have far more to do with lifestyle choices than unavoidable aging.
High blood pressure is in fact an easily treated condition, but one that can cause serious damage to your health if it’s ignored. Drugs, however, are rarely the answer. There are in the neighborhood of 100 pharmaceutical drugs deemed ‘safe and effective’ for the treatment of high blood pressure.
And since most blood pressure patients take more than one medication to treat their condition, there is a potentially endless supply of drugs, and drug combinations, available with the flick of a pen across a prescription pad – no lifestyle changes required.
This despite the fact that lifestyle changes have been shown to normalize blood pressure levels in over 85 percent of sufferers!”
“In some cases, the sugar in what we eat is obvious because it makes foods taste sweet. But you can’t always rely on your taste buds for an accurate reading.
For instance, a 12-ounce can of soda contains the equivalent of nine cubes of sugar; a half-cup of gelatin, six cubes; and one-and-a-half cups of sweetened cereal contains 11 cubes of sugar.
It’s not just the sugar in the candy and sweets that is causing these health problems. Sugar is also hidden in scores of processed foods.
Sugar is also used as a fermenting agent to help bread rise, bulk up ice cream, and even balance acidity in foods containing vinegar. It’s estimated that 50 percent of the sugar consumed by Americans is hidden in prepackaged foods or in foodstuffs you’d never suspect.
Believe it or not, even toothpaste can be sweetened with sugar!
Here’s a short list of foods to watch out for:
• Ketchup
• Bread
• Crackers
• Salad dressing
• Cereals and oatmeal
• Canned salmon
• Cured meats
• Soups”
Real Reasons Americans Are Fatter Than Ever There are a few items in the actual article which shouldn’t be there but overall this is a good run-down on why obesity is becoming epidemic in our nation. The best reasons have been copied below.
“Move more, eat less. This has long been the primary advice weight-loss specialists have given, suggesting that the nation’s obesity crisis is largely a result of Americans’ eating too much and exercising too little. But the truth is it’s not that simple, according to a new report.
Citing multiple federal health studies, The New York Post notes a number of other factors help explain why more than one in three Americans are obese and another third are overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
High-calorie salads. Many Americans are turning away from burgers and fries, in favor of salads. But even the veggie alternatives on chain-restaurant menus are fattening.
Examples: Applebee’s Oriental chicken salad contains 1,420¬ calories and 99 grams of fat, while Chili’s Quesadilla Salad Explosion has 1,440 calories and 96 grams of fat. By comparison, a McDonald’s Big Mac has 540 calories and 28 grams of fat.
Sugary drinks. High-calorie coffee drinks have become very popular, but are often loaded with more sugar, carbs, and fat than a meal. Just one example: Starbucks’ 16-ounce pumpkin-spice with whole milk and whipped cream has 420 calories.
Sleep deprivation. One in three Americans don’t get enough sleep (seven or more hours per day), according to a 2016 report by the CDC — increasing their risk for weight gain. Lack of sleep — as well as chronic stress — can boost your appetite and may push some to skip workouts and rely on sugary foods as energy boosters…
Misleading labels. A recent survey found that three in four Americans buy foods labeled “natural” because they think they’re healthier choices. But, in fact, there is no legal or regulatory standard a food must meet to be labeled “natural.”
Prescription Drugs
Warning: Drug Interactions with Common Foods Can Be Deadly This is an important article to read in full because of the number of possible foods which can interact with medications and the fact that different people can experience different reactions. Aside from grapefruit, which other foods most commonly cause problems? Milk and yogurt, and aged cheese.
“Did you know that foods you eat every day can interact with medications and trigger dangerous reactions that can lead to permanent disability or even death? Even more frightening is that some foods rated among the healthiest can actually be among the deadliest.
How can we know which foods and drugs to watch out for? And how can we protect ourselves from food/drug catastrophes?
Grapefruit tops the list of foods that cause problems. Although many people know that it shouldn’t be taken with blood thinners, it reacts with dozens of medications. “It’s not just heart drugs,” says David Bailey, Ph.D., clinical professor of pharmacology at Canada’s University of Western Ontario. “At least 66 medications are known to interact with grapefruit juice, including some anticancer drugs,” Bailey tells Newsmax Health.
Food and drug interactions cause two main problems. First, some foods block the body’s ability to absorb medications, lowering their effectiveness, and, in some cases, causing them to be useless…”
Vitamin D
Chemicals in common household products may decrease vitamin D levels in the bloodstream
“Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), found in commonly used household and industrial products, may reduce vitamin D levels in the bloodstream, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Professor John D. Meeker, MS, ScD, senior author of the study stated,
“More research is needed into why an association exists, but it is possible that EDCs alter the active form of vitamin D in the body through some of the same mechanisms that they use to impact similar reproductive and thyroid hormones.”
Heart Health
Belly Fat Worse Than Love Handles for Hearts
“Belly fat — especially hidden fat deep in the gut — may indicate increased risk for heart disease, a new study suggests. The six-year study of more than 1,000 adults found people with a “spare tire” in their midsection had a greater risk for heart disease compared to those with visible flab elsewhere under the skin — or “love handles.”
“Adipose tissue [fat in the stomach] along with fat below the skin has been associated with abnormalities, including high triglyceride levels, low HDL levels [good cholesterol], high blood pressure and greater risk of diabetes,” said Dr. Gregg Fonarow. He is a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and had no part in the new study but is familiar with the findings.
The study looked at abdominal fat quantity and quality. The researchers cautioned, however, that the study only showed an association between belly fat and potential heart disease, not that belly fat causes heart disease.
Fonarow said perhaps deep abdominal fat is unhealthier because it might increase insulin resistance, which can lead to high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes.
“This study suggests individuals even with a body mass index in the normal or overweight category but who have increased abdominal mass — a pot belly — may be at increased cardiovascular risk,” Fonarow said.”
Pet Health

Audie has his own ideas on the subject of doggie diarrhea and its importance – he urges dog owners to read the article
A Survival Guide for Dog Diarrhea This is a very informative article that explains the canine digestive system, lists the top 12 causes of diarrhea, what stools can tell you about your dog’s health (and even has a handy pictorial chart to assess them) a fecal scoring chart and home remedies for doggie diarrhea.
“It’s not a topic anyone likes to discuss, but if you own a dog, chances are you have found yourself cleaning up a stinking brown puddle (or, politely put, doggie runs) more than you’d care to think about.
Diarrhea is a common canine affliction and it varies in frequency, duration, and intensity from dog to dog.
You may not be able to totally prevent diarrhea, but knowing as much as possible about it might help limit the number times your dog has one of these unpleasant episodes and reduce the duration when the runs do come.”
It’s A Very Common Treatment For Infections In Dogs, But Is It Safe? Metronidazole for Dogs
“Metronidazole, commonly known by the brand name Flagyl, is a strong antibiotic primarily used as an anti-diarrheal to treat inflammation of the large intestine. It is also used for other illnesses and conditions in dogs, cats, and horses, as well as to treat bacterial infections in humans. It is often used in combination with other antibiotics.
Metronidazole is a prescription-only medication that can be taken orally or externally, depending on the illness being treated. It is not yet approved by the FDA for veterinary use (it is approved for human use), but metronidazole is commonly prescribed by veterinarians for their canine patients.
Like most antibiotics, metronidazole is prescribed to treat a variety of conditions, and to relieve their symptoms, such as:
Giardia (and other parasites)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Oral and dental infections
Other bacterial infections that cause diarrhea or sepsisMetronidazole works by destroying and preventing the creation of DNA in the infecting organisms.”
Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This is why Jesus Christ said we need the Spirit of God who gives us eternal life with Him. We need to be “born again” with a new spirit that is not subject to sin and death.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Right now, through repentance of the spiritual disease called sin, you can come to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, for healing and assurance of eternal life.
Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
For those who love the Lord Jesus and are looking for His coming, the following is their future:
Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.