Microwaves: Personal Radiation Ovens

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For anyone first reading the Health and Nutrition Update, please read this first: Your Health.
Also, please go to God’s Health System and subscribe to receive the updates.
Always remember that you are in charge of your health and not the doctors. Do not put your life in their hands without first seeking God and His health system.
This blog originally was posted on August 19, 2014, but because the information not only still is relevant but critically important, we’re reposting it for the benefit of new readers.
By Georgann Ryan:
This is the most crucial information I’ve come across. I’ve changed my dietary habits to consume coconut oil daily, I’ve added certain vitamins such as 10,000 daily units of D3 made only from lanolin, and I’ve even added supplements for my dog. But nothing has come close to the importance of the information and the change to my life that this lead report has instigated.
I recently had a propane leak, which necessitated shutting down my stove until repairs are completed. During this time I have used my microwave even for tea, because it was the only way to heat anything, including water. But once I read this article, I unplugged the microwave and I’ve resorted to bottled tea and coffee, along with carry out food.
That doesn’t completely protect me from microwave danger, (despite Gordon Ramsay’s campaign to convince restaurants that the cardboard taste the ovens produce are largely responsible for the failure of so many new eating establishments) since most restaurants use them in conjunction with packaged, processed, chemicalized food But even my take away has consisted of things unlikely to be cooked in that manner. I’ve been that careful since I was made aware of the dangers. That should provide some indication of how much I found that not only disturbed me. but downright frightened me into immediately discontinuing the use of mine, despite the present inconvenience.
Two facts from the report made me think twice, even before I learned of the dangerous effects on health. First, the Nazis were the ones who discovered microwaves could be used for cooking and who produced the first ovens for “convenience”. Second, after bringing home a large amount of records relating to the testing of these new marvels, along with some of the ovens themselves, the Soviets totally outlawed them in 1976.
Our own government found the same, but instead of outlawing them like the Soviets did, the ovens were heavily promoted to consumers as we were told they were safe. Recently our government has found even more uses for microwaves, some involving cell towers. Given their secrecy on these new microwave uses, learning about the hidden reports after WWII didn’t really surprise me though.
See our 666 Surveillance System blog post, Google ‘Nearby’: Infiltration of Every Aspect of Your Life for more articles about microwaves and a clearer discussion of what those uses are.
Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves While parts of this report are fairly technical in explaining what microwaves are and how they work, in general it is an important one to read because it provides crucial info that we’re not being given elsewhere. There have been a few published reports and studies which warn consumers never to heat a baby bottle in a microwave, for instance. Although they cite dangers like having the baby scalded or having the bottle explode, the reports also note that the chemicals used to make formula are changed by the microwave process until they create toxins which can be deadly. If the waves change the chemicals in formula to that extent, of course they will do the same thing to the chemicals found in any processed food.
Blood for transfusions no longer is warmed in microwaves because of a lawsuit over the death of a patient who died from a transfusion of “heated” blood, which no longer was compatible with the human body. In general, microwaves weaken cell membranes, making them susceptible to fungi, infections, viruses and other microorganisms. Cells in people who consumed microwaved food and drink produced the poisons hydrogen peroxide and carbon monoxide as waste instead of carbon dioxide and water as they are supposed to.
In addition, virtually all microwaves leak, despite assurances that they seal tightly to protect us from radiation. Numerous studies have found greatly increased cancer rates through regular ingestion of microwaved food and virtually all food, once microwaved, contained carcinogens. And if this isn’t enough, microwaving destroys the nutrient value of food, despite claims that it is different from irradiating.
The article asks some basic questions that we all should have asked long before now:
Is it possible that millions of people are ignorantly sacrificing their health in exchange for the convenience of microwave ovens? Why did the Soviet Union ban the use of microwave ovens in 1976? Who invented microwave ovens, and why? The answers to these questions may shock you into throwing your microwave oven in the trash.
In general, people believe that whatever a microwave oven does to foods cooked in it doesn’t have any negative effect on either the food or them. Of course, if microwave ovens were really harmful, our government would never allow them on the market, would they? Would they?
The purpose of this report is to show proof – evidence – that microwave cooking is not natural, nor healthy, and is far more dangerous to the human body than anyone could imagine. However, the microwave oven manufacturers, Washington City politics, and plain old human nature are suppressing the facts and evidence.
Radiation causes ionization, which is what occurs when a neutral atom gains or loses electrons. In simpler terms, a microwave oven decays and changes the molecular structure of the food by the process of radiation. Had the manufacturers accurately called them “radiation ovens”, it’s doubtful they would have ever sold one, but that’s exactly what a microwave oven is.
One short-term study found significant and disturbing changes in the blood of individuals consuming microwaved milk and vegetables. Eight volunteers ate various combinations of the same foods cooked different ways. All foods that were processed through the microwave ovens caused changes in the blood of the volunteers. Hemoglobin levels decreased and over all white cell levels and cholesterol levels increased. Lymphocytes decreased.
Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup Most of the soft drinks and juices produced contain high fructose corn syrup. In fact, use of this product has increased until it comprises 40% of sweetener used today. But it’s not just used in drinks. If you read labels, you’ll be astounded at the foods which contain HFCS. Bakery goods, canned fruits, and typically sweet products like jams, pancake syrup and candy. But what’s astounding is how many products that aren’t sweet contain it. Items like condiments, sauces, dressings, breads, dairy products and many others suddenly contain this ubiquitous ingredient.
Manufacturers use it because it’s 2.3 times sweeter than sugar and it costs much less to make. But if you think that it doesn’t make much difference to you which they use as long as things taste good and are less expensive, think again. It is costing you far more than you know.
Sugar causes the body to create insulin which allows cells to use the glucose for energy. But HFCS has more fructose (even the name, high fructose corn syrup is a giveaway to the difference) which the body can’t process for energy, so instead it stores this as fat. Eating products with HFCS is akin to padding your body with extra fat every time you eat.
Another difference between glucose and fructose is in their affect on appetite. Glucose causes us to release chemicals that tell us we’re satisfied; fructose does not. Because of that we never get the signal that we’re full when we eat products with HFCS so we continue to be hungry and to eat without restraint.
HFCS is made from genetically modified organisms as well, (GMOs) which have deleterious effects on the human body. It was developed “40 years ago as a cheaper, sweeter substitute for sugar. Human beings simply don’t have the tools to convert HFCS into usable energy.” It was created with profit, not health, in mind. This substance is directly responsible for the epidemic of obesity which is overtaking the country.
For the sake of your waistline as well as your health, begin to check ingredients carefully if you don’t already do so. Resolve to buy items that don’t contain this substance. If that isn’t feasible, then limit your use of that particular item as much as possible. It’s getting more difficult by the week to find foods without HFCS, but it’s worth the extra effort to avoid it as much as you can.
How To Build a Strong Immune System This is so good and comprehensive that I was tempted to copy almost all of the article. But rather than do that, I’ll just recommend that you take time to not only look at this page, but to learn what’s on some of the lists on it. Specifically, the most common toxins that we need to avoid to stay healthy is one such list. But this explains what our immune system does, how we weaken it and what we can do to strengthen it. Everyone should spend time studying the info on this page.
“In most cases, the immune system tends to be strongest when we have removed the accumulation of toxins, yeast, bacteria, drugs and the like from our cells AND restored the vitamins and minerals by eating nutrient dense whole, real food.
A vigilant immune system is the body’s protective barrier against infections and damage from invading bacteria, viruses, yeast, toxins and cancer cells. Your immune system includes your bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, adenoids and appendix.
We do not have to live with our “yearly” colds, flu’s, viral infections and the like. With a strong immune system our body can do what it was designed to do naturally…i.e. defend itself against viruses, cancer cells, bacteria, common colds and keep our body detoxified.
Our immune system is directly affected by what we eat, drink, breathe and put on our skin. The poorer the diet, the GREATER AMOUNT OF TOXINS ACCUMULATE IN OUR BODY, and the more susceptible we are to infections, viruses and cancer. Our body is designed to process, metabolize and clear toxins naturally. However, we live in a world where the amount of toxins we take in daily far exceed anything this planet has ever seen before.
Toxins are generally stored in body fat. Many of them bio-accumulate, (which means an increase in the concentration) and remain in the body tissues and organs for years, and as a result, have a cumulative effect.
The body’s immune system does not respond well to drugs. Antibiotics tend to suppress the immune system when used long term.”
“The Iodine Protocol from the 2007 Iodine Conference
- 50 mg Iodoral minimum for breast cancer (may start with 12.5 mg). Some practitioners may recommend Lugol’s solution. Iodoral is the Lugol’s formula in tablet form designed to avoid gastric irritation. Both Lugol’s and Iodoral contain both iodine and iodide.
- Vitamin C – 3,000 mg per day (more may be necessary to detox bromide).
- 300-600 mg magnesium oxide (some Iodine Investigation Project participants prefer magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate.)
- 200 mcg selenium. The selenomethionine version is preferred by many.
- 500 mg niacin (B3) twice a day (NOT niacinamide). Start lower to avoid flush.
- 100 mg Vitamin B2 three times a day. The exact B2 and B3 formulas are combined and available online in one product as the “ATP Cofactors.”
- A comprehensive vitamin and nutrition program.”
How Sugar Harms Your Brain Health and Drives Alzheimer’s Epidemic There seem to be an increasing number of studies that target sugar as a cause or a contributing factor in numerous health problems. This is especially true since the white, granulated table sugar we’re all familiar with is now made mostly from genetically modified sugar beets. The latest link is between sugar and Alzheimer’s.
If you love sugar but want to avoid some of the health risks, there are a couple of alternatives you can use. Raw honey has benefits all its own. Raw cane sugar is more expensive but readily available in most supermarkets. It has a light brown color and not only is it made from a natural crop, it doesn’t have the bleach that white sugar does, something which is a clear benefit. It is a bit coarser but it tastes just the same as traditional white sugar. There are other natural alternatives like stevia as well. Just don’t go for aspartame or brands like Nutra-sweet, Equal or Splendid. They are many times worse than even GMO white sugar because of how they’re made and what they’re created from.
- “One in nine seniors over the age of 65 has Alzheimer’s, and the disease is now thought to be the third leading cause of death in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer
- A growing body of research suggests there’s a powerful connection between your diet and your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes
- Recent research shows that sugar and other carbohydrates can disrupt your brain function even if you’re not diabetic or have any signs of dementia
- Long-term, sugar can contribute to the shrinking of your hippocampus, which is a hallmark symptom of Alzheimer’s disease
- The researchers propose that lowering glucose levels, even if they’re within the “normal” range, may have a positive influence on cognition in older people”
Babylonian Health System
Some ObamaCare patients refused by doctors
“News of doctors refusing people with health insurance purchased from exchanges has been reported on NPR, The Daily Caller and elsewhere. The issue is that ObamaCare plans pay so little that physicians and doctors say they can’t accept patients with those types of plans.
“Because of the lower reimbursement rates, some insurance industry officials began calling the ObamaCare exchange plans Medicaid-plus at the time when they debuted in the marketplaces or exchanges….” Manning says this is especially a problem for private practices.“Doctors who work in larger provider groups or hospital settings may not notice this as acutely as doctors who own their own private practices, because those physicians are also operating as small businessmen,” she says. “So they see the backside of this equation. When ObamaCare limits the ability of insurance companies to rate their products according to risk, those insurance companies have to do something else to balance out the equation.”
What insurance companies are doing is limiting the number of doctors they include in a network and offering lower reimbursement rates to those doctors.”
News of doctors refusing people with health insurance purchased from exchanges has been reported on NPR, The Daily Caller and elsewhere. The issue is that ObamaCare plans pay so little that physicians and doctors say they can’t accept patients with those types of plans.
CDC director warns of ‘post-antibiotic era’ Overuse of antibiotics is leading to an increasing number of drug resistant pathogens. Studies have found that one-third of all antibiotics dispensed in this country are “unnecessary or inappropriate.” If the trend continues, we may eventually live in a world where antibiotics no longer stop infection, a world similar to the one that existed before antibiotics were discovered.
Even though Congress has passed incentives for drug companies to develop new types of antibiotics, the industry is not following through because it runs on a profit model, and antibiotics cure people. They prefer to develop and market drugs that are needed for chronic conditions, where the consumer will use a drug long-term.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that the government needs to take immediate action before we live in a world where life-saving antibiotics are no longer effective.
“Every day we delay it becomes harder and more expensive to fix this problem,” said CDC Director Thomas Frieden Tuesday.
Frieden says the healthcare system needs to improve how it detects patients with drug-resistant infections, controls the spread of such infections, prevents them from happening in the first place and incentivizes drugmakers to develop new antibiotics.
“We talk about the pre-antibiotic era and the antibiotic era; if we’re not careful we will soon be in the post-antibiotic era,” he said. “And, in fact, for some patients and some pathogens we’re already there.
”The CDC is launching a new system this week that lets hospitals track all the antibiotics dispensed and look at real-time patterns of antibiotic resistance, so doctors can narrow down which antibiotics are most likely to work.
Frieden warns that 23,000 Americans die from drug-resistant infections annually.”
Prescription Drugs

Drugging babies for “psychiatric illnesses”
Crime and no punishment; putting babies on psychiatric drugs Theoretically the FDA prohibits prescribing psychotropic drugs to children younger than five. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t occurring, often to foster or institutionalized children, or those from poor families. It is alleged that these children are more frequently medicated because they’re easier to control if they’re drugged. That seems to be a reasonable assumption, although other factors could be at play as well. We’ve discussed in detail the fraud that is the psych drug industry, especially antidepressants. That post can be found here: Escape From Anti-depressants But over a quarter-million babies under one year old were prescribed such drugs in 2013.
This article documents the case on one such child, Rebecca Riley of Boston. Her story is notable because her parents were convicted of murder when she died at age two from an overdose of clonidine. The drug was prescribed in increasing doses by a psychiatrist from Tufts, Dr. Kayoko Kifuji, who had seen her for approximately 15 minutes and diagnosed her as having ADHD and bipolar disorder. The parents’ responsibility was based on the fact that “they were accused of intentionally over ‘medicating’ Rebecca, because they were frustrated with not being able to get federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) compensation for her the way they had with her two older siblings, also on psychiatric drugs.“
“Rebecca’s case was a highly publicized event that outraged many because Kifuji was never even indicted. Many jurors who handed Rebecca’s parents the murder conviction openly complained that the psychiatrist, who prescribed Rebecca’s drugs based on only a few 15 minute office visits and Mrs. Riley’s complaints, was never held responsible.Although Kifuji had voluntarily surrendered her medical license until legal matters were settled, she managed to testify against the Rileys under immunity. Kifuji was defended by Tufts and reinstated as soon as soon as the trials ended.”
Doctor Claims That Dogs Understand What Humans Say To Them Dr. Greg Berns of Emory University wants to prove that a dog really does understand what its owner is saying to them.
“The more I study dogs and the more I study their brains, the more similarities I see to human brains,” Berns told WGCL-TV. “They are intelligent, they are emotional, and they’ve been ignored in terms of research and understanding how they think. Berns uses an MRI to test a dog’s brain.
“So, we’ve done experiments where we present odors to the dogs and these are things like the scent of other people in their house, the scent of other dogs in the house, as well as strange people and strange dogs,” Berns said. “And so what we found in that experiment is that the dogs reward processing center, so basically the part of the brain that is kind of the positive anticipation of things responds particularly strongly to the scent of their human.”
“Currently, we are trying to understand what dogs perceive about the world,” Berns told WGCL. “You know, what do they see when they see humans, dogs, other animals, cars, etc.”
Declining intelligence in old age linked to visual processing speed
“Age-related declines in intelligence are strongly related to declines on a very simple task of visual perception speed, researchers report in Cell Press journal Current Biology (open access) on August 4.
The evidence comes from experiments in which researchers showed 600 healthy older people very brief flashes of one of two shapes on a screen and measured the time it took each of them to reliably tell one from the other.
“As this basic ability declines with age, so too does intelligence. The typical person who has better-preserved complex thinking skills in older age tends to be someone who can accumulate information quickly from a fleeting glance.”
Previous studies had shown that smarter people, as measured by standard IQ tests, tend to be better at discerning the difference between two briefly presented shapes….
The results provide evidence that the slowing of simple, visual decision-making processes might be part of what underlies declines in the complex decision making that we recognize as general intelligence.”
3 Secrets to Beat Mosquitoes This headline and the one below on ice cream sandwiches are short videos on the Weather Channel which have some interesting information.
Beat the bite: Mosquito repellents that work This interesting article from “Purdue News” clearly demonstrates the logic and method of the Babylonian health system. Mixed in with interesting facts like only female mosquitoes bite, or bug lights are ineffective for mosquitoes, is an attempt at reassuring the public about wearing pesticide as a repellant.
“The best bets for mosquito protection, he said, are repellents registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as pesticides. Registration ensures a regulated level of safety, testing and effectiveness. Consumers should check for an EPA registration number on the label of insect repellents.
…Deet is one of the most effective insect repellent ingredients on the market. Based on extensive toxicity testing, the EPA recently concluded that the normal use of Deet does not present a health concern to the general population. There had been reports that Deet could cause skin and central nervous system problems when applied directly to the skin. Purdue’s entomology department encourages closely following label instructions on repellents that contain Deet. The experts recommend using Deet because of its high effectiveness, but using products that contain smaller concentrations of Deet — 20 percent to 30 percent — and applying the repellent to clothing rather than directly to skin.”
Does this sound as much like doubletalk to you as it does to me? Why put it on clothing instead of skin if it’s safe? And pesticides that need registered with the EPA because they’re dangerous may be fine for use in swamp areas or somewhere that the health risks of mosquitoes outweigh the danger to people from use of the chemicals, but the human body isn’t one of those areas.
Other interesting facts? Wearing dark clothing will cause more bites because you’ll sweat more in dark clothes since they absorb sunlight, and mosquitoes are attracted to body odor.
This Sandwich WON’T Melt This is the Weather Channel video mentioned below. This report should encourage everyone to actually read the ingredients in the food you’re purchasing.
Video: Walmart-brand ice cream sandwich won’t melt in 80 degree heat This is another test of Walmart Great Value “ice cream sandwiches” and the fact that they don’t melt – despite 24 hours on a counter in the Weather Channel video. But Walmart has an explanation. They claim that ice cream with higher amounts of cream take longer to melt. Over twenty-four hours? Isn’t that a bit ridiculous as an explanation? But on to the second test:
“Dan puts the sammy on a plate in the sun, and a highly scientific clip-art image tells us that the temperature is 78 degrees. 20 minutes later, the temperature has risen to 80 degrees and the dessert is still 95% in-tact. There’s a little bit of bowing around the edges of the white, frothy “ice cream” filling, but overall this thing appears to have been engineered in a military research lab.
35 minutes into the experiment, Dan compares the Walmart sandwich to a scoop of Blue Bunny ice cream that has melting into a puddle on its plate. It really is a testament to the “Great Value” of this cookie-cream concoction — why pay for ice cream that doesn’t last two minutes when you can have a Twinkie-grade treat that will last for years in your backyard time capsule?
After the full hour, some clear, undetermined moisture has begun to seep out of the bowels of the “ice cream,” and Dan seems satisfied that his hypothesis has been proven correct.
“I don’t like it,” he says. Me neither, Dan. Me neither.”
Effects of frigid winter weather on the population Okay, this isn’t really a health issue in the usual sense and it may only be a local phenomenon. This report is from my home area of western Pennsylvania, though there may be similar stories wherever the polar vortex was felt last winter. But it was big news here, with every hospital reporting the same trend. And with so much coming out about what’s bad, from GMO food to microwaves to cell phones, it seemed time to celebrate some good news, especially when it results from an event we view as undesirable. That’s one of God’s trademarks, turning evil so that it unwittingly is used by Him for good.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
“Oh baby! The polar vortex has created a baby boom in Pittsburgh.
August is usually a popular month anyway for babies, but this year, even more so.
Doctors said people wanted to stay inside during the frigid nights, and that’s now showing up in the delivery room.
“There’s nothing else to do. What else are you going to do in the winter time? We watch TV, drink some wine and the next thing you know, nine months later, we have another baby coming,” said father Ryan Addeo.
West Penn Hospital expects a 20 to 30 percent increase in deliveries this summer.
“It has been very busy here lately,” said Dr. Paul Weinbaum…”
Your physical health is very important, but of even greater importance is your spiritual health. Man suffers from a fatal spiritual disease called sin, which always leads to death.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This is why Jesus Christ said we need the Spirit of God who gives us eternal life with Him. We need to be “born again” with a new spirit that is not subject to sin and death.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Right now, through repentance of the spiritual disease called sin, you can come to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, for healing and assurance of eternal life.
Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
For those who love the Lord Jesus and are looking for His coming, the following is their future:
Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
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